Safe-guard your finances to create financial security, even during times of uncertainty...
THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER 2020 @ 19:00
Ronel Jooste
Chartered Accountant, Financial Consultant & Business Owner
Ronel Jooste is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur who has started the FinanciallyFit Group specializing in financial consulting and training. She is the author of the award-winning book ‘Financially Fit and Wealthy’ - a guide to personal financial success. She is passionate about financial education and is using her extensive financial knowledge to help individuals to create financial security and a better understanding of their finances. Ronel is also the co-owner of PhysEQFiT Guesthouse in Centurion – built from scratch into a profitable and successful business in less than 3 years. She is known for her ability to simplify finances so that the average person can understand and benefit from her experience as a Chartered Accountant with more than a decade of experience in the corporate financial services industry.
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